Monday 2 April 2007

From me to you.

Dear Friend,

Yes, "friend." How do I know that you are indeed a friend? Well, if you have come to this page and are reading these words, it is highly likely the result of humoring a request from a pesky little girl you know; perhaps, one with a penchant for full bodied reds and rich french cuisine, who swoons at the sight of anything containing the words "carmalized" or "truffle" (not necessarily in combination with each other). However, if you are here not as a result of my pestering, then I welcome you warmly and hope you'll stay as both a reader and a friend. Making new friends is always exciting.

So what am I doing here, setting up my own little corner in the blogosphere? The explanation though, far from exciting and ground breaking I'm afraid, is actually very simple:

I wanted to share.

A few weeks ago, I sat fork in a bowl of red beet salad with aged balsalmic, thinking about how I haven't shared a single meal with either of my two oldest and dearest friends in almost a year. Sad isn't it? It's nobody's fault, just part of being this age and at this stage in our lives. The experiences I've had this year, opportunities I never dared to seriously hope for, travels to places I never thought I'd see, food encounters that, literally, left me much, and yet, in the madness of day-to-day life I've kept them all to myself. Most of what I do end up sharing are but the bare-bones of the actual story, kind of like a book with nothing left but the rotted old spine and a few ratty title pages. The real flesh of the stories is lost in the mad rush of busy schedules dashing off in opposite directions.

So, to sum it all up, this is a place for me to sit, nurse a cup of tea, think, mull, think some more, and write. No more bare-bones (even if they are good for making stocks, j/k). Most of what you'll find here will circulate around my passion for food. There will be the occasional review of restaurants I know and love, new places I discover and glimpses of little culinary pockets around the world as I occasionally pack up my bags and skip town. I'm no professional chef and not, by any measure, an expert in the culinary or gastronomic world. I am simply just a girl that has a great appreciation for good food. Of course, it won't always be about food. Food is just something I've found to be such a great medium for conversation, love, laughter and sharing.

This is for you my friends.

Much Love,


1 comment:

Mamachan said...

I especially loved your critique of Amaya,it is certainly one of my favorite restaurants to eat in....

Your review makes me sooooooo lonesome for the Lovely London,you and B
